About Camp NeeKauNis

Camp NeeKauNis is an intergenerational Quaker camp located on traditional Wendat (Huron) and Anshinaabeg land on the shores of Sturgeon Bay near Waubaushene, Ontario. We offer a variety of summer programs for all ages, with a focus on youth and families. Our camp sessions are 7 days long, and our groups are small and close-knit, with an average of 30 to 50 participants. Camps for families, children, teens, young adults, older adults, and mixed groups are offered in a series of summer sessions, providing opportunities for relaxation, recreation and spiritual growth. Daily worship, shared meals (and meal preparation and cleanup!), waterfront sessions of swimming and boating, indoor and outdoor games, quiet and creative activities take place in a rustic setting where campers participate and share in an inclusive and caring community. Camp is staffed by a mix of volunteer and paid staff.

Our Mission

NeeKauNis is an inter-generational Quaker Camp that brings people together to build an intentional community through work and play in a safe, inclusive, natural environment. We nurture the spiritual lives in our community through Quaker Testimonies including integrity, peace, simplicity, equality, justice, and unity with creation.

Our Vision

NeeKauNis is a welcoming, inclusive camp with creative programming that engages and reflects Quaker values. We foster a vibrant community where we come together in an atmosphere of spiritual refreshment. We offer programs for all ages with a focus on youth and families: a joyous and rejuvenating time for an adult, and an experience a child will treasure for life. We aim to be a sustainable camp, accessible to all who wish to come, in a natural setting with facilities that are clean, safe and environmentally sound.

Our Facilities

The facilities and programs at Camp NeeKauNis are the result of the volunteer efforts and contributions of F/friends over more than seven decades. The ongoing care and operation of Camp is under the direction of a committee of Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Camp NeeKauNis is a public residential camp that is owned by Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM) of the Society of Friends (Quakers). It is located at 40 NeeKauNis Road, Waubaushene ON L0K 2C0.

We adhere to the guidance of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit https://www.simcoemuskokahealth.org/HealthUnit/Workplaces/Businesses/recreationalcamps.aspx and other relevant Government of Ontario regulations.

Camp NeeKauNis is administered by the Camp NeeKauNis committee, a standing committee of CYM. Membership on the committee is restricted to Members and Attenders of the Monthly Meetings, through a nomination process, overseen by the CYM Nominating Committee. These nominated individuals form what is Friends’ equivalent to a Board of Directors. We have a mandate given in Organization and Procedure of Canadian Yearly Meeting. Canadian Yearly Meeting is a registered charity and Camp NeeKauNis is part of that structure. Camp NeeKauNis is financially audited yearly as part of compliance with the CRA Charities Regulations.