Territorial Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Camp NeeKauNis is situated on the ancestral lands of the Wendat, Anishnaabeg, and more recently, Haudenosaunee, in Upper Canada treaties territory that has seen thousands of years of rich Indigenous history and is home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island today. We honour the covenants of the Dish with One Spoon and Two Row Wampum Belts. As we gather, we remind ourselves to respect and nurture our sacred relationship to this land as well as to its First Peoples both past and present.

More information about the treaties:

From the May 2024 meeting of the Camp Committee: 
"The Camp committee recognizes that the name Neekaunis, while dear to us, is an appropriated Indigenous name that is not reflected in our population or culture. As part of Canadian Friends’ commitment to Reconciliation, this summer we will be opening a discussion to begin addressing this issue and how to move forward."