Application Steps

Are you interested in being staff at Camp NeeKauNis?

Note: you must be 15 years of age (17 for Teen Camp) or older to volunteer at Camp NeeKauNis.

1. Fill in an application.

You will be contacted to confirm your position by your Director.
Please be patient, as Directors are volunteers.

2. When your position is confirmed:

(a) You will be sent a link to a training module. This web-based document helps you be more informed about working at Camp before you arrive. There is a training certificate attached which must be acknowledged as read and will be part of your staff file.

(b) You must register to your program(s) as staff on the website in the Program area. There you can also register any accompanying person and children. 

3. Vulnerable sector check and training is mandatory for those 18 and over working with children and members of other vulnerable populations including newcomers to Canada and the elderly. Check your local Police Services for details. Your check belongs to you.

Travel funding may be available for staff: please contact your Directors. If you are a member or attender at a Quaker Meeting, your Meeting may also be able to help.