Support Camp

Thanks for your interest in supporting Camp NeeKauNis!

The facilities and programs at Camp NeeKauNis are the result of the volunteer efforts and contributions of F/friends over more than seven decades. The ongoing care and operation of Camp is under the direction of a committee of Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), a registered charity. 

Camp runs on a not-for-profit model; costs are covered by camper fees, donations, and revenue generated by renting out camp and our Camp House. We gratefully accept monetary donations, as well volunteer time and energy helping with programming and physical development at Camp.  All profit from Camp rentals, and Camp House rentals, as well as Camp merchandise sales also directly support Camp.

Whether you'd like to participate in Work Camp or Opening  / Closing Weekend, rent Camp House for a winter get-away, rent the whole camp facility for your wedding, or buy a Camp sweatshirt or make a cash donation...we thank you for your support, and invite you to be a part of our future in any way you are led.