Camp Dates:
Thursday, June 27, 2024 to Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Work continues at Camp Neekaunis for willing workers! Many hands makes light work! We will have exciting projects to announce in this space! This is a no fee event, with requests for desserts and fruit to supplement our meals. A head cook is needed and a stipend and menu-planning help are available. Please register soon.
- Dock Installation on our newly cleaned beach.
- Onerous testing of water in Sturgeon Bay to see if it still refreshes on full immersion.
- Groundswork including lawnmowing with our riding lawnmower.
- Wood splitting, hand saw work.
- Onerous testing of firepits and eating of 'Smores and singing.
- Carpentery jobs, small and large including building new steps for some cabins.
- Deconstruction jobs.
- Hole filling and general enjoyment of dirt.
- Gardening.
- Deep cleaning of Cabins. Seriously.
- Exterior painting and sign refreshing
- Window and screen repair
- Other miscellaneous puttering